Why do most people quit their call center jobs in 1-2 months?

Why do most people quit their call center jobs in 1-2 months? Hy Friends I will tell in this post why more than half of the people leave the call center job. In the post below, we have given some reason why people leave the call center job. *When the world is sleeping then the call center people are awake and when the world is awake then these people are sleeping. * There is no solid guarantee for the future because it does not require any special skills. Must have knowledge of some languages. For example, English should come for a job in an international call center and the rest of the call centers, which are called domestic call centers, should be there in Hindi or some other Indian language, that's all! * In the call center you have to call or talk to the customer through either of these two ways. Often such customers will be found talking to whom your sent will be fryed and sometimes you will get such people who wi...